How Gas is Fading: The Push, Pull, and Perils of Shifting to Electric Living

Aug 23, 2023

**The Shift to Electric: When Consumer Savvy Meets Builder Resistance**

by Vanessa Saunders – Founder & CEO – Global Property Systems

In the evolving landscape of environmental awareness and sustainable living, we’re witnessing profound changes, not only in consumer habits but also in government legislation. New York’s recent law to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings by 2026 is a shining example. While these moves are motivated by climate concerns, they also indicate a shifting societal paradigm, one where the forward-thinking populace and the business world don’t always see eye to eye.

**Understanding the New Legislation**

New York’s monumental step towards greener construction essentially bans using natural gas and propane in most new buildings. Instead, it promotes all-electric heating and cooking. While climate advocates hail this as a significant win, it’s essential to grasp the broader implications of such decisions.

Buildings account for a staggering 32% of New York State’s planet-warming emissions. Natural gas, primarily composed of methane, contributes significantly to this figure, given its potent warming power. Moreover, research has consistently shown that gas stoves can have detrimental health impacts, such as exacerbating asthma.

**The Tragic Reality: When Disasters Strike**

It’s one thing to discuss the theoretical dangers of gas; it’s another to witness the real, devastating impact it can have. Just recently, the father of Tennessee Titans cornerback Caleb Farley tragically lost his life in an explosion believed to have been caused by a natural gas buildup in his Mooresville, North Carolina home. While the exact cause is still under investigation, early indications suggest gas had accumulated over an extended period and found its way to an ignition source.

Such incidents, while accidental, underscore the immediate dangers of gas usage and provide a poignant reminder of why many are advocating for a shift away from it.

**The Savvy Consumer vs. The Reluctant Builder**

Enter the modern consumer: well-informed, environmentally conscious, and eager for sustainable solutions. These individuals understand the trajectory the world is moving in and the necessity of adopting eco-friendly lifestyles. It’s no surprise that they demand electric-only appliances in their homes, foreseeing an eventual shift away from fossil fuels.

However, builders and developers, having invested heavily in natural gas infrastructures, now find themselves in a quandary. Their dilemma? Whether to pass on the costs of transitioning to electric setups to these savvy buyers.

It’s an ironic situation. On the one hand, New York’s government is pushing for a greener future, and on the other, builders are effectively penalizing consumers for wanting to participate in that future. The hefty costs proposed for electric-only appliance installations might seem exorbitant, but they reflect the broader tension in an industry caught between old investments and new realities.

**Looking Ahead**

The road to a sustainable future is seldom smooth. As with all significant societal shifts, there will be pushback, challenges, and hurdles to overcome. The discord between consumer demand and industry reluctance is just one manifestation of this journey.

While New York is the pioneer at the state level, various cities have already begun implementing similar bans. As this trend gains momentum, one can hope that the construction industry will recognize the long-term benefits, both environmental and economic, of aligning with the new norm. After all, the future belongs to those who are prepared for it.

Ultimately, the question isn’t whether we will transition to more sustainable living; it’s how swiftly and seamlessly we can make it happen. For the sake of our planet and future generations, let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later.



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